Who is Crossroads?
Crossroads Christian Church has been part of the Canberra community for over 28 years. We are a community that longs for all Canberrans to know what Jesus’ death and  resurrection mean for life now and eternal. For more information about Crossroads go to: crossroads.org.au

Saturday 7 September

Springfest: The Great Bake-Off
Love baking? This is your time to shine! Calling all amateur bakers to bring a cake to the Great Springfest Bake-Off. The theme is 'Spring Has Sprung' and will include cash prizes for children, teens, and adults. There will also be a cake decorating demonstration and competition for children. If baking is not for you, surely you love cakes! Come along and purchase delicious cake slices.

Time: 2.00 - 4.00 pm
Venue:  Merici College Auditorium, Wise St Braddon.
Registrations close:  Thursday 5 September

Friday 13 September

Springfest: STORY SLAM

About 1 in 6 people aged between 15-24 years experience severe loneliness and we want to bring people together and give people a home and a community. Throughout history, art has been critical in bringing about big social change. So we're hosting a Story Slam on the theme of Loneliness. Write a story or a poem and submit it, for your chance to win. There is $500 worth of prize money available for our top three entries. Regardless of whether you submit, come along and hear these works performed and be a part of making a difference in our community.

The deadline for entry submission is now: Tuesday 3 September

Time: 7.00 PM
VENUE: The Coffee Grounds @ UC

Saturday 14 September

Springfest: FETE At The Lake

Enjoy the Spring weather and find a bargain at our family fete. Whether it's activities for the kids, finding a second hand treasure, savouring tasty treats, or just enjoying the atmosphere, there's something for everyone.

Time: 10.00 am - 1.00 pm
VENUE: Western Foreshore, Lake Ginninderra

Sunday 15 September

Springfest: Feast
You're invited to join us for CHURCH & A FEAST.

Why are Christians obsessed with food and drink? It's because the Bible describes heaven as a feast where everyone is welcome. So come along and get a taste of heaven as we share in a big feast together.
COST: Free

Thursday 19 September

Springfest: Will AI Fix The World?
Join us for a relaxing and thought-provoking evening exploring the present and future impacts of AI on our world, from a Christian perspective. Free drinks and canapés will also be provided.

Time: 7.00 pm
VENUE: Marie Reay Teaching Centre, Level 6, Building 155 University Ave. ANU


Over the last 2000 years Jesus has been recognised as the most significant person in history.  His unconventional way of thinking, notion of identity and ideas of love have revolutionised the world. There is not a day in our twenty-first century society that has not been affected by his ideas and thoughts. His radical ideas of looking after the vulnerable and loving your neighbour are today standard practices. But his ideas of going beyond what is expected to love your enemies and to flee from immoral thinking are still divinely profound. But these are only a hand full of his claims.

If you would like to meet this extraordinary man, the Jesus of the Bible, who changed the world, come to Jesus on life. Or if you don’t know who this Jesus is but would like to learn more about this radical thinker and his claims, then Jesus on Life is for you too.

Jesus on Life is a four week series that looks at the life of Jesus and what he had to say about life. Each session is a casual evening with a short talk and a chance to ask any questions you might have about Jesus and Christianity over coffee and dessert.
Cost: free
Time: 7.30 pm
Venue: Stella's By the Lake